
Our Team

When you become a client of The Hendrie Group, you’ll be supported by a team who not only know their stuff technically—across all 8 areas of the Financial Freedom Wheel™—but who are also down-to-earth people great at communicating without all the technical mumbo jumbo that makes people’s eyes glaze over.

We love what we do and what we help clients achieve, and you’ll probably find our enthusiasm will rub off on you. No boring meetings here! It’s our goal to have every client meeting be energising and clarifying for you, because each time you’ll see how you are—in a practical and measurable sense—moving closer to your goals and financial freedom.

Let’s introduce you to some of our team members…

An-Long Huynh
An-Long Huynh
Personal Taxation & Business Adviser

As a Chartered Accountant, of course I can lodge your returns and assist you with tax matters. It may sound boring, but accounting is what I live and breathe, and it’s what I do so that you don’t have to.

And Accounting may be what I do, but it’s not all I do. I love fun and excitement just as much as the next person. In particular I enjoy being outdoors and exploring new things. So when it comes to practicing my craft I have my own unique blend of professionalism and an infectious sense of fun. I try to bring a refreshing and dynamic approach to my work. I understand that running a business requires more than just number crunching; it requires passion, dedication, and the ability to balance work and family life.

As a family-oriented individual myself, I believe that a healthy work-life balance is crucial for success. I know there are plenty of challenges in juggling personal and professional commitments, that’s why I strive to create a supportive and flexible working environment for my clients. By taking care of the financial aspects of your business or your personal life, I can ensure that you have the freedom and peace of mind to focus on running your business or working, while also having the time to make those important memories with your loved ones.

I could go on about my attention to detail and how meticulously I analyses financial data, but that’s not what’s important to you. It is my genuine care and understanding that you (and your business if you’re a business owner) are unique. So I take the time to listen and understand your specific needs and goals, forging the strong relationships that is built on trust and open communication.

I want to be a partner in your success, the one that takes care of all the important paperwork as well as providing valuable and proactive advice; allowing you to focus on the growth and prosperity of your employment or your business, and of course most importantly – your financial freedom.

Michael Crowe
Michael Crowe
Grad Dip FP; CFP

Life Risk Specialist FPA, Accredited Estate Planning Specialist FPA, Accredited Aged Care Professional
After completing my HSC in 1990, I walked out of school and smack bang into the “recession we had to have.” Youth unemployment was at a record high, so I rolled up my sleeves and did whatever I could to get by: cherry picking, factory work, bar work and helping my dad in his small business. At 27, I landed an administrative role with The Hendrie Group and found my calling. I soon hit the books and became a Certified Financial Planner. All this means I understand what it’s like to struggle and feel stressed or uncertain about money. So, my passion is to always act in your best interests and give you advice to get you in the best possible financial position. At the end of the day, it comes down to making the right decisions at the right time and I’m here to guide you and help you to do that.

Caren Hendrie
Caren Hendrie
Director, Business Growth Expert, Corporate trainer, International Speaker, #1 Best-Selling Author, Multiple Business Owner

Every business owner I’ve ever worked with is amazing at their craft, and really great at working IN their business. But, when it comes to working ON their business, most owners need experts to advise them on how to strategically grow their business and keep them on track.

So, as a business growth expert:

  • I will give you ideas, strategies, systems, formulas, scripts and templates.
  • I will hold your hand when you need to be guided.
  • I will call bull$#!t on your excuses and keep you moving forward.
  • I will hold you accountable to your goals so that you achieve them.
  • I will always coach you from a place of unwavering support.
Ron Zamora CPA
Ron Zamora CPA
Tax & Small Business Adviser B.Bus (Acc)

In many ways, I don’t fit the mould of your stereotypical accountant. I have a sense of humour (well I think so ). I thrive on thinking outside the box. I’m not boring (I just sometimes get excited by boring things). I believe strongly in work:home balance.

And I think it’s these differences that make me the ideal small business adviser who takes care of all the “boring” work so you can get on with running your business! More than the numbers, I want to help you solve problems and improve profit so that you and your family can choose how you spend your time. Because I also want you to “get it”, I take the time to help you understand your position and what you need to do – not just tell you how much tax you owe.

Michael Moschetti CPA
Michael Moschetti CPA
CEO, Business & Tax Adviser, Multiple Business Owner, Corporate Trainer, #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker, B.Bus Acc

I’ve always taken a down to earth and practical approach to the advice I give. And I’ve enjoyed being one of the key drivers of business growth of The Hendrie Group since I joined in 1993. Today, I’m part-owner and CEO. What does this mean for you? It means I don’t just spout theory and numbers. I know what works and what doesn’t, and I’m able to use my own experience to help you grow your businesses and profits — not just lodge your tax returns.

I want to understand your business and family goals, and then work with you to reach them. This is something I’ve done for literally hundreds of my clients from micro-businesses through to multi-national corporations (like MYOB). I want to make a difference in your life.

Tim Bower CA, CTA, SSA
Tim Bower
Tax & SMSF Adviser B.Com (Acc)

I’ve travelled to some amazing places. I even lived in China for a time. Why am I telling you this? Because I practise what I preach. Achieving financial freedom is important to me and I want that for you too: the freedom to do what you want, when you want and how you want.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the work I do, but there’s an end-goal that’s bigger. I believe it’s the same situation for everyone. I joined The Hendrie Group team in 2012 after working for a city-based firm for seven years. The Hendrie Group’s philosophy around the Financial Freedom Wheel™ resonated with me immediately. Even though I was hired for my expertise and experience in self-managed superannuation, my real job is bigger: to help you become financially successful.

Ashlee Moschetti
Ashlee Moschetti
Tax & Small Business Adviser

While I work with business owners every day, what I offer doesn’t stop at just compliance, tax and getting the numbers right. You see, the numbers tell a story and I’m able to read that story and use the information to your best advantage. For example, as each year progresses the numbers might tell me that you have opportunities to save some tax, grow your business or change structures.

Prior to working at The Hendrie Group, I worked for one of the largest accounting firms in Australia. This provided me with high-level real-world education and training which means, well, you can be sure I know what I’m doing. Working with me, you’re in competent hands with a small business adviser who thinks laterally, ‘outside the box’.

John Hendrie CPA, CFP
John Hendrie CPA, CFP
Director, Senior Financial Adviser, Madison Financial Group Authorised Representative B.Bus (Acc)

Founder and Chairman of The Hendrie Group, John Hendrie is living proof of his own advice. Now semi-retired, John is still very much a decision maker in the business, but now he gets to delegate the ‘headaches’. And he thinks that’s pretty terrific.

In 1977, John made the decision to leave the public service because he wanted to help people on a more personal level. Over 40 years later, John is proud to say he helped thousands of people achieve financial freedom. These days his primary role is as Chairperson of The Hendrie Group and an advisor to the management team whenever they need him.

Katie Hodgson
Katie Hodgson
Financial Planner

Whether it’s clients, family, friends or team mates, I love helping and being able to make a difference for people. This is what motivated me to join the financial planning industry in 2008.

Money is such an essential part of our day-to-day lives, and yet it’s an area where so many people struggle. If you don’t have enough money, it causes stress, disappointment, fear and even relationship problems. However, financial security gives you freedom and choice.

During my career I’ve pretty much worked in every area of Financial Planning including support, paraplanning, training advisers, and advising. I’ve worked for small companies as well as large corporations such as AMP as a private client adviser. So I have a wide range of expertise and experience to be able to help you.

I look forward to supporting and guiding you along your journey to financial freedom.

An-Long Huynh
Michael Crowe
Caren Hendrie
Ron Zamora CPA
Michael Moschetti CPA
Tim Bower CA, CTA, SSA
Ashlee Moschetti
John Hendrie CPA, CFP
Katie Hodgson
The training provided by Caren Hendrie and Michael Moschetti has had a genuine impact on the MYOB team and has been instrumental in helping us achieve our business goals. Their unique and innovative program has empowered the MYOB team to deliver outstanding, client-focused experiences.

– Tim Reed, CEO of MYOB (2003 – 2019)

Support Team

Our consulting team and our clients benefit from a world-class support team dedicated to helping you build a better life.

Whether it’s answering your calls, helping you with your queries, supporting your consultant, or serving you your favourite beverage with a chocolate bikkie, this friendly and super-caring team love being part of your journey to financial freedom. To reach any of your support team, the best email is support@hendrie.com.au.

Sarah Christie

Client Services & Team Support

Emily Kear

Client Services & Team Support

Sally Hanley

Client Services & Team Support

Shazia Hussaini

Client Services & Team Support

Kim Kim Naulak

Client Services & Team Support

Kathryn Christie

Client Services & Team Support

Donna Hoiles

Client Services & Team Support

Kerryn McKenzie

Client Services & Team Support

Let’s Have A Chat

Feel free to click here and make a time for an initial complimentary, obligation-free chat about your needs. We can do this face-to-face, over the phone or via web meeting. Whichever suits you best.

Time For Action

You know this as well as we do: Nothing changes until action is taken.

Thankfully, we make your next step easy. It’s as simple as telling us what you’re looking to achieve and the type of support you want. You talk, we listen.

Submit your details below and we will email you Your Financial Freedom Wheel™ worksheet